It is our belief that the more people know about what we do on the farm, the more firmly committed they will be to buying our pastured, organic meats. We hear over and over that there is a world of difference between our products and those purchased at the supermarket. Cooks tell us that if they run out of our product and substitute with something else, the taste, texture and satisfaction is noticeably lacking. There is very solid science proving the nutritional benefits. For those of you who like to dig into this more deeply, a couple of good articles can be found here: and here:
But to be honest, what we find most convincing is our observation of cows, chickens and pigs outside, in the fresh air, eating fresh green grass, getting lots of exercise, behaving according to their natural instincts. It is so obviously right and good! What a stark contrast to the total confinement barns where all other farm animals spend their entire lives, never stepping out onto the earth or seeing the sky. |