Wow! Is it Cold!… but “if it don’t winter, it won’t summer”
As I write this message to all of you, our loyal customers, I am enjoying the comfort of our wood stove, which single handedly heats our small, one story home, even reaching to the spare bedroom at the far end which doubles as my office. (if I remember to leave the door open) But outside, the temperature has descended to the minus 20 Celsius range. That’s cold. After an unseasonably mild and snow free pre-Christmas we are now into “deep winter”.
The old folks had a saying that would bounce around when neighbours happened to meet on one of these frigid mornings; “If it don’t winter – it won’t summer.” Like many of those old sayings it conveyed a hint of something much more profound and valuable than its literal meaning – the dubious idea that next summer’s warmth is somehow tied to the deep freeze of January. It contained a wisdom of that age. “Look down the road. Don’t get stuck on the hardship of this moment. Things will work out. This is the way life is – we have to suffer through trial before we gain our reward. Winter will surely be succeeded by the warmth of spring.” A dear friend of mine who worked for MTO related the same necessary truth in his own earthy way when he said to me one day “If there were no potholes, we wouldn’t appreciate the smooth road.”
It seems to me that our age is characterized, as one author put it, by the three “isms”. Hedonism, Individualism and Relativism. “I want what feels good for me, and I want it now.” The digital age has not invented any new human tendencies, only given us more powerful means of addiction to what gives immediate gratification, at the expense of true human development. My own generation, (I am smack in the middle of the “baby boomers”) seems to me, in their retirement, to be obsessed with comfort and entertainment. Most of us grew up in relative poverty and learned the hard lessons of life from watching our parents make do with simple pleasures. That we now have the resources to live in mansions, holiday in exotic tropical resorts, and pass on a small fortune when we die, should be recognized for what it is; a blip in the history of civilization. And besides being fraught with moral and spiritual danger, it is an unsustainable reality which is creating unrealizable expectations in our children and grandchildren. What goes up must surely one day go down. Are we forming the next generations in the discipline and wisdom they will need to flourish? Are we giving them good example?
So… It’s time for me to get on my several underlayers of clothing, my heavy insulated coveralls, my boots, hat and mitts, my heavy leather overcoat, and venture out to see if the truck will start and find out what’s frozen in the barn. Joyfully. Without complaining. “If it don’t winter – it won’t summer.”
February Specials
- Small chickens – like a Cornish Hen, perfect for the slow cooker or oven. 3 to 4 lbs each. 25 lb box; $125.00
- Beef and Pork Patties – 20 lb box – $100.00
- Chicken Necks and backs – great for soup – 20 lb box – $30.00
Go Truckers Go
Like most of you, I expect, I am surprised, amazed and hopeful at the spontaneous eruption of protest against government imposed restrictions that is being manifested in the “truckers convoy” to Ottawa. This is an historic event which makes me ever so proud to be a Canadian. Let’s pray that our government officials get the message!